My neighborhood is a popular place to walk...people with kids, people with dogs, early in the morning, late in the afternoon ... in a hurry getting the necessary exercise or slowly, gazing at the tall pines. My dogs and I are early risers and usually walk around 6:00 a.m. The air is cool and crisp and the streets are empty. You can hear alarm clocks waking up and smell coffee pots bursting with fragrant aromas. Even the dogs are quiet. They sense the "zen" of the moment and respect the tranquility. We walk like soldiers sometimes, single file down the streets caressed with heavy bows, soon to be laden with big brown cones - just in time for Holiday decorating. Lomita Pines is a special place. You can own a wedge of peacefulness here. The price is a smile and an appreciation for the heavenly energy. Oh, you can own a home too, at a really good price right now; but peacefulness is priceless; peacefulness is free. Come and share a morning with us, we'll show you around Lomita Pines, but quietly...
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